What is the different between cement floor and concrete floor? Many has confuse on it. Basically if you are talking about factory floor, most of it is concrete floor. Both floor looks grey BUT concrete floor can have aggregate that have design but cement floor mostly show grey color only.
Concrete floor is made by PRC netting + cement+ sand + aggregate / stone. Usually power float finishing. Most of the concrete floor will use ready mix cement to lay.

Cement floor is cement screed flooring that wet work worker can do it at site, use cement + sand + water. A smooth screeding as finishing. You can find it mostly at kampung house or old houses.
Please call +6012-679 2926 for details
Concrete floor mainly used for factory. Previous factory finishing is epoxy flooring which you can see green, grey, some red line etc. But from time to time, polished concrete floor become trend for factory. The only reason is low maintenance. Epoxy floor may peel off or scratch by trolley or forklift, but concrete floor wouldn’t. Our polishing work is to smoothern the surface, and polish it to shine. We CANNOT change color or stain the floor. If the existing concrete floor has multiple color, after polishing, it will appear multiple color. ( various tone of grey usually).
We are using diamond cut method for the grinding and polishing work, with or without densifier as per request. If you would like to increase your concrete floor strength, then can request to apply densifier on the floor. If when you lay your concrete floor, already put hardener, then no need to apply densifier on top.
Left green cement, tight grey cement Polished green concrete floor Original concrete floor with grey epoxy, epoxy to remove Original grey cement, with light grey epoxy to remove and polish Polished cement floor with the existing epoxy almost all peel off Polished cement floor, original cement floor with multiple tone
Please call +6012-679 2926 for details